Monday, June 14, 2010

Kid's Dinner

I haven't been a good mother lately, I usually try to make something special for the kids, nutritious and cute, and tasty...I love when Tosha says "heavenly" about his food:) Well, yesterday I made something "heavenly" - it doesn't really look that way in the picture, but it was all eaten up - organic pasta with sauteed onions and tuna (sauce - tablespoon of sour cream + some Havarty cheese - tangy, cauliflower - blanched, dipped in whole wheat flour, then egg, and sauteed in butter, and finally for some color cut up carrots and red bell peppers - this meal turned out to be very kid-friendly:)

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh, alisachka's face, so good!

    wow, love the cauliflower idea!
